Friday, September 14, 2012

Book of the Month: Uncle Jed's Barber Shop

 By: Jayar Kipling
       Hey guys, want to know the book of the month?  Yes?  Ok!  The book of the month for August is Uncle Jed’s Barber Shop.  It’s a great book!  The story is about Uncle Jed wanting to start a professional barber shop.  The author of this book is Margaree King Mitchell.  This is a very good book for everyone to read.

I think you should read this book because it shows that Uncle Jed uses his money on Sarah Jeans’ emergency operation, and then he lost all his money, but still has a good attitude and does not give up his dream.  In this book, Uncle Jed also has an IB attribute which I think is principled. I think it is principled is because Uncle Jed is a very honest and compassionate.  I think he is principled because when he lost his money he knew that he would get it back and didn’t make a big fuss about it, that shows that Uncle Jed is a well-mannered guy and knows what to do and when to do it. My final reason for Uncle Jed being principled is because he paid for Sarah Jeans’ operation before opening up his barber shop. So Uncle Jed thinks of others before himself. That is why Uncle Jed is principled.

My favorite part of the story is when Uncle Jed lost all his money in the bank but he didn’t make a big deal about it.  It’s always nice to know that someone in your family is a person that you can always rely on. I say that because you know that person is a good person, and is always happy, so his actions won’t conflict with your actions. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Nice blog Jayar! I relly liked how you put alot of your own ideas and opinions in your writing. Just an idea though, maybe you could do a short interview with a teacher or student, and ask for their opinions. Also, maybe you could include some of the reasons why Mrs. Hirota had picked that particular book, for the book of the monthe position. Anyways, as a whole, your blog was very thorough and had a really good connection with the book. Keep up the good work, and keep doing what you do! =)
